Sunday, 27 March 2016

Politics of Distrust.

The making of Pakistan in the Annals of History depicts two opposite and confronting views. Whether Muslims can thrive and prosper in an Islamic Land or in a Secular and progressive State?  Decision of such Historical magnitude must have been examined and judged on its merit when it happened and that must have been only partial. The summary judgment could be pronounced only when the consequence are beforehand in course of time. Discounting all prejudice and biases of 1947 the warring view and those disagreements of intellectual must have agreed to be examined best by the time in decades to come.

Come 2013, Pakistan is bracing for Democratic Election on the back drop of growing discontent, chaos and anarchy.  Needless to Say, India too is bracing for an Election in 2013 or 2014.  Six Decades of Governance and its impact on Social and Cultural fabric is enough for this Sub continent’s young generation, Who were born after Independence and Subsequent partition to Judge the consequences of Historical miss- happening on the midnight of 15th Aug1947.  There are numerous vocal and silent stakeholder of this story today. From Leaders of masses to Slaughterer of masses and from small time Laborer , Artesian ,farmer and Trader to White collar Billionaire  and from Impoverished destitute of street to a splurging  opulent, All  have born lived and will die here only.  History can not erase the mishap of inhumane barbarism of Partition when millions were uprooted, brutally burned, mutilated, raped and slaughtered. And rightfully the scar should not be forgotten in the light of the painful price, agony and suffering an ordinary individual paid.  Both sides were sufferers and humanity was insulted.  The victim and survivor both were innocent, only their fate could be blamed. 

Come 2013, look around Pakistan, it is no better than the Peril that Bangladesh was submerged into in 1971.  The hawkish leadership of Pakistan strangulated a new born child for nearly two decades. East Pakistan was the first successful challenge to the might of predators and slaughterer of 1947, who used Religion as tool for Political Power and drove it beyond the ambit of Spiritualism. A mouth eaten Pakistan was bitten by their own establishment. The emergence of Bangladesh was even uglier and bloody then the 1947 Partition. Scores of Killing, Bloodbath rape and planned Genocide of Bengali Muslim and Bengali Hindu could not quench the thrust of Political crooks. The freedom of Bangladesh and its subsequent recognition by all the countries bluntly refuted the point Pakistan advocated in all through the two nation theory. While people of Bangladesh saved their kith and kin from a savage Pakistan, the scourge of Pakistani Political Junta were left to pursue its roughness.

 A Self destructive, contemptuous feudal leadership of Pakistan remained blissfully ignorant of its reprehensible act of past and zealously pursued its path of violence within and beyond their Nation.  Whole World including specially US and India suffered at the hand of mindless perpetrator of terrorism who’s all act of Violence had direct or indirect traces in Pakistan.  The Moral, financial and State support to terrorism were brazen display of Pakistan arrogance and fanaticism.  The unstated State Actor and stated non state Actor of this violence had flourished under the protective sanctuary of State. Establishment of Espionage, Military, Politically motivated Bureaucracy and Political leader created an unsavory parallel establishment who had vested personal agenda and vendetta.  The continuous dose of bigotry and fanaticism intoxicated a larger section of society.

The consequences were bound to be felt in house. No single day passes without Sectarian violence against Shias, Christians and Hindus, regular Bomb explosion, Targeted killing of Liberal and intellectual. Killings and anarchy is routine and reminiscent to Stone Age.  The depth of horror is fathomless. Could you call a society civilized who deny and shoot a small Girl Child for her desire to attend a School. The Worst, the insensitivity and cowardice within the society failed to protect the victim and could not assure her confidence of honorable future. Who in turn migrated for shelter in west for recovery and pursuing her future?  This one event surmounts all evils and brutality and explains Which Era they are migrating to. It is precisely not even Medieval fanaticism but of even rouge Primitive insensitivity. 

As the Pakistan is darting to a drunken path of Dark past, the Society in general and ordinary blissfully blind citizen in particular are at extreme danger. Clueless in identifying their savior, the ignorant and illiterate mass could only turn to all mighty God.  The ocean of nearly 20 Cr hapless destitute without vision and constructive occupation is only a ticking time Bomb. Time only will judge the yesterday`s apathy and insularity of Crooks.  Perhaps Price of their sinister design would be multifold of Partition and Peril of Bangladesh together. Which nevertheless only ordinary citizen will pay.

Blessing of all mighty to those who chosen to side a Secular democracy ahead of theocratic totalitarian way back in 1947. It is imperative upon the opinion maker of today to bear a torch of Knowledge and tolerance to make a meaningful benefit of circumstances. It is also a vivid reminder to all those fascist and communal forces within the Secular India, Whose parochial view is squeezing India towards instability and fragility.  The Social fabric and essence of amenable Constitution are more important institution than the whims or tantrums of individual. Purity of these institutions is the accountability of every citizen. Today`s Ignorance and resulting consequence would not compensate the wound of tomorrow if the educated and Intellectual willingly cower and prefer to retire for comfort in their drawing room.